Registration and Abstracts


Opens September 15th and closes October 30th, 2022. Registration is covered by SSB membership, including lunch and coffee breaks during the meeting, and both opening and closing receptions. *New and renewed memberships are valid through December 2023!

The 5th Standalone Meeting of Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB2023) will be a fantastic opportunity for students, postdocs and professionals to learn the latest methods in systematics and phylogenetics, showcase current research and exchange ideas on present and future challenges in the field. In order to participate in SSB2023 you need to be a SSB member (join or renew at The organizing committee is capping attendance at 232 participants due to venue size limitations. If attendance limit is reached, preference will be given to those teaching a workshop, or contributing with a lighting talk or poster. Being an international event, the language of SSB2023 and all contributions will be ENGLISH, although information is also available in Spanish.

Lightning talks will follow the short presentation format of ‘five minutes or less’ using few slides (see We recommend the ‘4+1’ strategy consisting of four slides stating the hypotheses/ biological question, brief methods, main findings and focused interpretation followed by one minute for questions from the audience. Each time slot for Talks is 6 minutes long to allow for one minute to transition to the next presentation. While speakers can use all 6 minutes, we recommend to stick to at most 5 minutes. Posters will follow the international vertical format of 90x120 cm (3x4 feet) due to board size limitations. Posters should include traditional components: introduction, methods, results with figures and tables, discussion, conclusions, references and acknowledgments. In both cases, abstracts have a 250-word limit.

Travel Awards

There is a significant amount of Travel Awards available for current SSB student and postdoc members to attend SSB2023. Please indicate in your registration if you would like to be considered for them. Eligibility criteria are: (1) for students, enrollment in a degree program or having graduated/defended within a calendar year of SSB2023 (Jan 15, 2023), and for postdocs a current appointment; (2) contribute a talk, poster or a workshop; and (3) be based in an institution outside Mexico City (previously Distrito Federal). If selected, attendees based in Mexico City's megalopolis (states of Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Queretaro and EdoMex) will receive a first-tier award ($200 USD or its MXN equivalency) and those based elsewhere in the world will receive a second-tier award ($500 USD or its MXN equivalency). Since Travel Awards are sponsored by SSB, a fourth criteria is to be a current member.

In addition, there are ten open spots for the Chamela Station Workshop on Phylogenetics and Comparative Methods. All SSB student and postdoc members are eligible to apply if attending SSB2023, regardless of their geographic location. All expenses at Chamela including travel costs from and to Mexico City will be covered by the SSB and UNAM joint sponsorship. People wishing to attend Chamela exclusively will not be considered.